Lifestyle Health Chart
Direct and Indirect causes of Muscle Imbalance
- A balanced lifestyle is accomplished by reducing outside stresses in various forms; these stresses typically have an adverse affect on the muscular system, which in turn creates spinal subluxations (misaligned spinal joints).
- Nerve communication between the brain and other tissues of the body are compromised resulting in many types of health problems, pain being one of them.
- Keeping the muscles balanced by stretching will limit the frequency of spinal subluxations and or other joint misalignment.
- The Elkins Pulse Stretching Method is a simple way to help keep the muscles balanced and also can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine when you should schedule an appointment with a Chiropractor.
- For more information see section (26): How can I test myself to see if I may have a spinal misalignment (subluxation)?